You might be wondering why I am talking about music and lyrics. Well these two go hand in hand with each other obviously. Every song has different types of lyrics associated with it, but lyrics don’t always have to be associated with a particular genre of music. An example would be a lyrics in a country song. The lyrics don’t always have to be associated with country, but it can be adopted into another genre of music such as pop. The lyrics don’t change, just the genre of music it is associated with. Every one of us has a particular genre or genres of music we like. If we like the lyrics to a song, but not necessarily the genre it is associated with we can probably find an alternative version on the internet. If we can’t find it, we may experiment and create a version of the song on our own. Music in general can be used as an escape from the real world. We listen to different genres of music based on our mood and design patterns are just like this.
Design patterns are just like how lyrics and music are associated with each other. What I mean by this is that design patterns are similar. Like I said above lyrics are mostly associated with a particular genre of music, but can be adopted into another genre. Programmers use design patterns to make life easier and solve problems more efficiently. They may not like to do it the way another programmer does it, so they adopt their own way. This is just like someone adopting lyrics that is normally associated with a particular genre, to a genre they like. Like I mentioned earlier, we listen to different types of music based on our mood. Design patterns are just like this because we use different types of design patterns for different situations. What is nice though is programmers can answer the same problem many different ways. Finally they can choose a particular solution they like and is the most efficient. This is what is really great about design patterns.
Now that you know what design patterns are, I can tell you some that I used in my project. I’ve used the “Prototype Design Pattern.” This pattern has to do with having everything associated with one particular item in one area. For example a profile contains: names, address, bio, location, social media, and other things. This design pattern is very useful because instead of calling all this information, you just need to call the profile and it will have all of these. This was a specific type of design pattern that I used, but I also used most of the design patterns that were talked about in the bowfolios screencast. The bowfolios screencast was very similar to what we needed to do in digits, which was the basis for my final project. We used the practice WOD: Digits to help us with our final project. This consisted of using a landing page, login page, admin page, and many others. My groups final project involves students and getting help from tutors. Some example pages we have are class listings and tutors. We used design tutors to make these pages. Design patterns are very useful and make life easier for the programmer.